The Rise of the Phoenix

The Rise of the Phoenix

This is my latest painting finished 25th march 2021. To me the Phoenix represents a new beginning a rising up out of the ashes of darkness and fear bringing new Light and hope to the World. Although there are many stories to the origins I was inspired by the Egyptian...

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How small we are in a sky full of stars

How small we are in a sky full of stars

The idea for this painting came to me after feeling quite saddened by the news of the continuous and relentless burning and cutting down of the rainforest. This is still going on and fuelled by the many greed driven companies. That same day I watched a documentary...

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The Miracle of Life

The Miracle of Life

Back in 1983, I got entranced with an episode of the UK TV documentary Horizon called 'The Miracle of Life'. It was at the time of a big breakthrough in micro imagery. Scientists were able to film the growth of new life all the way from sperm to egg and all the stages...

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Earth’s Future Is In Our Hands

Earth’s Future Is In Our Hands

This painting represents the fact that we, the human race, hold the future of the Earth in our hands and that if we don’t get things together we may drown in our own tears. The dolphins represent the spiritual side of our nature. I donated the original of this...

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