John Lennon – Imagine

In January 1981 l landed the job to do the cover art work for the Whitesnake album “Come an’ get it“. I was invited to meet the band where they were recording. This turned out to be Tittenhurst Park, the house where John Lennon used to live and recorded his classic track imagine.

See my full post on the painting of the Whitesnake album cover and the chance encounters I had during that time.

l felt very privileged to be there and in the early hours of the morning l went into the white room where he would have sat at the white piano. l sat in silence and felt a shiver go through me as l realised that here l was in this special place just weeks after he had sadly died.

l painted this as a tribute to a great man. We can only ‘Imagine’ what music he would be playing today.



  1. Painting Whitesnake’s Come An’ Get It album cover – 40 years on | Malcolm Horton Art - […] in New York and here I was sitting in this room. I felt so inspired that later that year,…

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